Friday, July 30, 2010

 Night time pictures looking to the USA side nitice the boulders bottom of falls


 Great Picture



 The boat goes right under the falls the blue things are people wearing rain gear

Maile (grandma) doing her post cards 


We went across the border to Canada. We spent 9 hours on this side of the falls. You will notice grand kids that you get a better view of the falls. Maile (grandma) sat on the benches and filled out her postcards and just watched and listen to the falls. In Canada they have an area set a side for games and amusements for the family and rides for the kids. You guys would have had a field day here. I have put some daytime pictures of the Canada side with night time pictures. There were more but I could not include all if the pictures. Hope you kids enjoy the pictures as much as we did taking them for you.

Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York

Falls here are located on USA side

In the far back of the picture is the Canada side Falls, the buildings is located in Canada

Yesterday we continued our trip and at Warren, Ohio I had to have another trailer tire replaced. The freeway roads were like a speed bump every 300 feet. We bypassed Ceveland, Ohio due to traffic. We then entered Pennsylvania, where we did not have any problems. Since we were close to Niagra Fall we decicied to continue the trip. We entered the state of New York where we finally made it to Niagara Falls. We deciced to have dinner then go to the falls and get some nighttime pictures. We took alot of pictures but I have only posted a few so you grandkids can see how buetiful the falls ca be at night. We were on the USA side

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Well we made thru Indiana and entered Ohio. This leg of the trip was very interesting. I stayed off the freeways and drove the country roads. We came upon an Amish Group on the road. The pictures are very neat. These people still live a very simple life. To the grandchildren could you see your life without running water, no TV, no radio, no electric lights, no riding in cars, no McDonald's, must wear the same type of clothes everyday, and especially NO CELL phones. Would all the things I mention would make your life a little bit hard. Yet these people live a very simple life and from my perspective they are happy when Maile (grandma and myself see these people. They do get to shop at Walmart LOL. We got a few pictures of the people.

Grandma's birthday breakfast

Building where we ate for Maile's (grandma) breakfast

Amish plowing his fields No Tractor

Got to love it notice the License Plate

Look close and you will see mother and child

Same picture as above notice  the big trucks how scary is this with horse and buggy

Amish woman walking

Turn of the Century school house

Look back towards the trees I know it is hard but this is Amish with a load of hay with horse and wagon

During the road trip we encounter rain so hard that you could not see 10 feet in front of the truck. We had to pull over to wait for the rain to stop. Most everyone did the same thing. There is some pictures of the landscape of the area which I thought was very nice.

Now today is Maile's (grandma) birthday. You will see picture of a cafe I took her for breakfast. At least it was not McDonald's.

Tonight we are staying in a little one horse town (small) in Ohio for the night and continue I trip tomorrow. We will be traveling thru Cleveland, Ohio.

Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana

Well we made thru Wisconsin and Illinois. We stayed the night South Bend, Indiana. Getting thru the first two states was not easy. There roads have a speed bump about every 150 feet and it literally bounce out bodies to the truck ceiling. In Wisconsin it was so bad the Air Conditioner stopped working. So I spent a couple of hours trying to find out why. Pulled out my truck manual went down the list. Come to find out the boucing had broke a electical wire. In turned I fixed and it worked fine. Never had I seen so much boucing that it actually broke an electrical wire. Next we parked that night on the border of Wisconsin and Illinois there I started the generator for the trailer and it did not work. Got it fixed and told Maile I will bypass these two states in the future. We could not get a picture of both of us in Indiana. They put the sign over the highway. Happy Birthday Maile (Grandma)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

After Mall of America

We left the mall in route to drive thru Wisconsin. We are not sure what the next stop might bring at this time.

Mall of America

Well we made it to the mall today. The mall has 520 stores on 4 levels. More than 40 million people visit the mall. It was opened in 1992. Guess who owns the Mall of America is own by a maple leaf company (Canada). We took a lot more pictures than what will be shown. In the middle of the mall is a circus and rides. It has two roller coasters. Many rides for the mall kids. It is a mini Disneyland. We spent approx. 5 hours but I was speaking with one group and this was there third day seeing the mall. The two figures of the dinosaur's are actually made from Lego's

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Iowa and Minnesota

Well we finally got out of South Dakota. We are heading to Albert Lea, Mn. We will stay in the town for an overnight visit then go to the Mall of America. I have posted a couple of states we went into today. I showed the kids a picture of corn field. I know that they have seen corn grow but today there was 160 miles long and I could not see how far inland it went but I know it was miles. There was so much grow corn Maile got tired of watching outside. When we get to the Mall of America we will stay for a couple of days and from there I will flip a coin to see what is next. The question was asked have we finished our trip. Heck we still have 1000miles to get to Niagara Falls which was the primary destination.